New Books for a New Year

I did very little book reading in 2019 because what little free time I had as a father of two with a full-time job was dedicated to writing one instead. I’m going to change that this year, my work on a sequel novel notwithstanding.

These three books are on the top of my 2020 read list, which you can find on my Goodreads profile.

The Autobiography of James T. Kirk (David Goodman)

I really liked The Autobiography of Jean-Luc Picard, so I figured I’d take a crack at James Kirk’s life story. The Picard book is officially apocryphal with the impending release of “Star Trek Picard” on CBS All Access, but this one most likely won’t follow the same fate–I mean, Kirk died saving the good people of Veridian IV from Tolian Soran’s plan to get back into the Nexus, after all.

People’s Republic (Kirk Schlichter)

Given that my book deals in part with a breakup of the United States, I want to give Schlichter’s book a try—I haven’t read a speculative fiction/collapse story in a while, and I’m going through withdrawal. While my book steers very clear of politics, I’m sure that Mr. Schlichter, who is a conservative columnist and commentator (sorry for the alliteration), imposed no such restriction on himself. If you’re on the left side of the political aisle, I think it’s safe to say that this book won’t be your cup of tea.

I’m Your Emotional Support Animal: Navigating our All Woke, No Joke Culture (Adam Carolla)

I’m a big fan of Adam Carolla’s books, which have made my wife and me double over with laughter. His new book looks like it follows in the footsteps of his documentary “No Safe Spaces,” which chronicles the ever-increasing assault on our right to free speech and expression. I’ll read instructions for setting the time on an alarm clock if Carolla writes them, but given that I feel more and more like the only place I can truly speak freely is in my storage closet with a quilt over my head, I definitely want to read Carolla’s thoughts on this issue. The book won’t be released until May 26, but given that my free time these days is measured in minutes, I just might be done with the first two books by then.

What about you? What books are on your must-read list?