Lassitude and Survival Don’t Mix

I haven’t watched the NFL or the Super Bowl in years, for reasons both subtle and gross. There is one, and only one, good thing about the Feast of St. Lombardi – it marks the beginning of me getting my gym back.

Every January 2, my gym is filled with all the New Year’s resolution folks wanting to get in shape and lose weight – and they don’t know the first thing about getting started. They conclude exercise sucks – because they’re not doing it right – and by Super Bowl Sunday, they can no longer resist the siren song of the La-Z-Boy and the bag of Cool Ranch Doritos.

I’ll say it plain – you’re not gonna make it when the you-know-what hits the fan if you weigh 400 pounds, or if you weigh 100 pounds and can’t do five good push-ups. I don’t care how many supplies you’ve stockpiled, or how many skills you have. If you can’t go up a flight of stairs without getting winded, you’re dead meat against the zombie mutant bikers.

You don’t have to be a marathon runner, bodybuilder or yoga master. But you have to be able to move, lift, and carry. And for the record, there is no gene that makes it impossible to put down a fork. Make an exercise plan and stick to it.