I took this picture at my Home Depot this morning. This is where they normally keep the N95 masks for painting and sanding. On the way in, I walked by two people at the front desk asking if there were any in the back.
If you didn’t get around to buying N95 masks, I’m sorry to say that you’re most likely, pardon my French, shit outta luck.
I want to be clear that I’m not at all convinced that that the coronavirus is going to turn into a deadly plague right out of The Stand, and I believe much of this panic is the media doing what they do best and turning the knob up to 11. But with …
- China in lockdown,
- Supermarket shelves being stripped bare in Italy and elsewhere in Europe,
- Japan canceling school for a month, and
- The stock market nosediving into correction territory barely two weeks after it hit a record high …
… it’s time to start paying attention. That brings me to the title of this post.
If you’re pissing away your time on social media trying to pin the blame for coronavirus on Donald Trump, Nancy Pelosi, Mike Pence, Bernie Sanders, or the party you didn’t vote for in 2016, instead of focusing your energies on ensuring you and your family are squared away in the event you’re stuck in your home for a fortnight, you’re doing things all wrong.
Being snarky on Facebook and Twitter can be fun, but you and your family can’t eat snarkiness.
I wrote not too long ago about the need to avoid panic buying; you can read that post here. However, I also wrote not too long ago about how fast store shelves empty out because of just-in-time inventory; you can read that post here.
It’s not time to panic, but the time has come to have your ducks in a row.