The Importance of Redundancy

At the core of disaster preparedness is a saying that preppers and survivalists stole from the Navy SEALs – two is one, and one is none.

In other words, always have a spare. This sage advice is just as important when things are hunky-dory as it is after a collapse.

My 2-year-old little stinker decided to come down with a 101-degree fever in the midst of Mother Nature dumping up to half a foot of snow on us. But as you can see, we weren’t going to run out of Tylenol to bring his fever down, and we didn’t have to risk our necks on slippery roads to grab more from the drugstore.

In a collapse situation, if you have one firearm, or one axe, or one radio, you’re up shit creek with a leaking canteen if it breaks.